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[실험노트] 분자생물학 실험 4. ORF, GenomeTrakr. Molecular biology experiment report

by 쿠기 2022. 11. 14.

1. Title : ORF, GenomeTrakr


2. Date : 


3. Introduction 

Genome Trakr: Transforming Food Safety

Collaborating with federal and state public health labs FDA has built a pathogen identification network called Genome Trakr. It uses whole genome sequencing to look at the DNA fingerprint left behind by disease - causing bacteria, allowing FDA to identify the source of an outbreak with more detail and clarity than ever before.

The genome Trakr network has three different elements.

1) Build a database of known pathogen from known food from knowm geographic localities. pathogen acquire unique genetic signaturesm it can identify where it coming from.

2) Collecting global samples.

3) Sharing all these data which is caused at The National Institutes of health.



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